- 20 different Dryers sold since 2009
- NFDM (non-fat dry milk)
- MPC (milk protein concentrate)
- WPC (whey protein concentrate)
- WPI (whey protein isolate)
- SMP (skim milk powder)
- Buttermilk
- Cheese Powder
- Whole milk
- Dairy blends
- Infant Formula
Available Options
- Dryer Types
- Tall Form
- U-tube
- Bustle
- Internal Bustle
- Compact
- Horizontal
- Internal Bag house dryer
- Multi stage
- Baghouse Designs
- Walk-in plenum
- Lift-off plenum
- CIP-able Bag house
- Fluid Bed Options
- Internal fluid bed
- Static fluid bed
- Vibrating fluid bed
- Burner Options
- Indirect Gas Burner
- Direct Gas Burner
- Standard (I.e. NP-1)
- Low NOX (I.e. Cross-Fire)
- Heat Recovery
- Air to Air
- Air to Liquid
- High efficiency cyclone
- Agglomeration/Instantizing
- Wet Scrubber options
- Operating costs estimation
- Return on investment calculations